At the Gastroenterology Institute Of Orlando, our providers see patients with numerous gastrointestinal, or GI, problems each day. The GI system is large and can affect every-thing from the throat to the colon. Regardless of the location, many GI diseases are common and their origins can be connected to dietary problems. Three of these GI dis-eases – hemorrhoids, acid reflux, and diverticulitis – are only some of many issues treated by our team of gastroenterologists here in Orlando, FL.
Hemorrhoids are bundles of blood vessels and muscle inside the anal canal, the low-est part of the intestine. When they become irritated from constipation, pressure, or a low-fiber diet, this produces the classic symptoms of pain, itching, and bleeding. Your gastroenterologist recognizes that this can be an embarrassing condition to have; it’s very common, however, important to seek treatment so that the degree of inflammation can be diagnosed therefore the best treatment can be prescribed.
Acid reflux
Most people have experienced the sensation of a “sour stomach” before, where belch-ing can lead to a burning pain that rises into the throat. This is acid reflux, a condition in which the acidic contents of the stomach flows backward into the esophagus, irritat-ing its lining and producing heartburn, sore throat, and a bitter taste in the mouth. When reflux persists, your Orlando gastroenterologist may diagnose you with gas-troesophageal reflux disease, better known as GERD. Fortunately, there are several maintenance medications, as well as dietary changes, that help lessen the symptoms of GERD.
Some people have abnormal pockets in the lining of their large intestine that becomes irritated or inflamed. This is often due to diverticulitis, a bacterial infection that affects these pockets, or pouches. Diverticulitis is a common disease, thought to affect about 50% of American adults over 60 years of age and 35% of the younger adult population. To treat its symptoms, our gastroenterologist often recommends a change in diet and lifestyle and possibly antibiotics to clear up the bacteria. Surgery is uncommon unless complications, such as bowel perforation, occur.
For these or any other GI-related issue, you can trust the competent and friendly medi-cal staff of the Gastroenterology Institute of Orlando, FL to help you. Contact us for an appointment today!