What is an ERCP?

An ERCP is an examination of the drainage system of the liver and pancreas. A flexible tube is inserted through your mouth and passed down the esophagus into your stomach and first part of small intestine. Through this tube, a smaller tube is placed into the drainage system of the bile ducts and pancreas, and a contrast dye is injected. An x-ray machine looks at the drainage system after the dye is injected. Please let your doctor know if you are allergic to x-ray dye.

Blood Thinners: If you are taking  blood thinners,(Warfarin, Coumadin, Plavix) please contact our office and your primary physician for specific instructions at least one week prior to the colonoscopy. ONLY STOP THESE MEDICATIONS IF YOU HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED BY OUR DOCTOR OR YOUR CARDIOLOGIST. Aspirin is usually stopped one week before the procedure.

How do i get ready?

One week before the exam:

  • Do not take Aspirin, Advil, Ecotrin, Bufferin, Nuprin, Excedrin, Aleve and/or Ibuprofen for 7 days before your exam. Tylenol (acetaminophen), Celebrex, and Mobic are fine to take.
  • If you are a diabetic, contact your doctor about adjusting the dose of insulin or blood sugar pills the day of the exam.

Day of the exam:

  • Do not have any solid foods or milk products after midnight.
  • You may have clear liquids until 4 hours before your exam, then nothing at all until after your exam. Clear liquids (not colored red or purple) include water, soda, broth, bouillon, coffee, tea, Kool-Aid, clear juices, Gatorade, Jello, and popsicles.
  • You may take your blood pressure medicine and any heart medicines with a sip of water. Your doctor may give you an antibiotic to take before the procedure with a sip of water.
  • Bring a list of current medications and medication allergies with you.

Arrive at the hospital one hour before your appointment to allow for parking and registration in our department.


Due to possible lingering effects from the sedation, you cannot drive for the remainder of the day following your procedure, and therefore, you must have a ride home. For your own safety, you will not be discharged unless a responsible adult, over the age of 18, is present to either drive you home or accompany you in a taxi or public transportation

Enter our waiting room and check-in at the reception desk.

After check-in, you will be called to register.
After registration, you will be called to the procedure area.
Please keep in mind that appointments are approximate times. Delays sometimes occur.

What will happen during the examination?

A doctor will explain the benefits and risks of the exam and ask you to sign a consent form giving the doctors permission to do the exam. Ask them any questions you might have.

A nurse will place an IV (needle) in your arm to give you any medicines and fluids you may need during the test. During the examination, medications will be given through your IV to put you to sleep.

Your blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen level will be checked throughout the procedure.

A small breathing tube will be placed in your mouth and down your windpipe. This protects your breathing while you are asleep.

When you are asleep, a flexible endoscope tube will be inserted into your mouth, stomach, and small intestine. This will not interfere with your breathing.

The small tube will be placed through the endoscope to inject dye into the liver and pancreas drainage system.

If your doctor sees anything unusual, a biopsy ( a small piece of tissue) may be taken. You will not feel this.

What happens after the ECRP

You will be taken to our Recovery Room to rest and sleep off the effects of your anesthesia.

Your blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen level will be checked until you are fully awake.

Before you leave, your IV will be removed, you will be given discharge instructions which will note if any tissue was removed.

The doctor will discuss the results of your test with you. The results of your exam and any tissue analysis will be sent to the physician that referred you for the exam in 1-2 weeks.

Please contact the physician who ordered your procedure to obtain your test results. Your throat may feel scratchy or numb for a short while. After you have tested your swallowing with a sip of water, you may have liquids and easy things to swallow for the rest of the day.

After you leave the endoscopic procedure center, if you have a severe pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, increased nausea or fever,

You may also go to your local emergency room.

Please call 407-201-3686 for any questions