Peg Prep

Read these instructions at least a week before you come for your procedure.

A PEG is a tube that is placed through the skin into the abdominal area above the belly button.

This is for people who have difficulty swallowing and is used to deliver specially formulated liquid directly into your stomach.

One week before the exam:

  • Do not take Aspirin, Advil, Ecotrin, Bufferin, Nuprin, Excedrin, Aleve and/or Ibuprofen for 7 days before your exam. Tylenol (acetaminophen), Celebrex, and Mobic are fine to take.
  • If you use blood thinners Coumadin (Warfarin) or Plavix, contact your doctor about stopping it for 5-7 days.
  • If you are a diabetic, contact your doctor about adjusting the dose of insulin or blood sugar pills the day of the exam.

Day of the exam:

  • Do not have any solid foods or milk products after midnight.
  • You may have clear liquids until 4 hours before your exam, then nothing at all until after your exam. Clear liquids (not colored red or purple) include water, soda, broth, bouillon, coffee, tea, Kool-Aid, clear juices, Gatorade, Jello, and popsicles.
  • You may take your blood pressure medicine and any heart medicines with a sip of water. Your doctor may give you an antibiotic to take before the procedure with a sip of water.
  • Bring someone with you to drive you home. You will be given sedatives during the exam and you will not be allowed to drive the rest of the day. However, please limit the number of people you bring with you to our waiting room. If you do not have a driver, your exam may be cancelled or rescheduled.
  • Bring a list of current medications and medication allergies with you.
  • Arrive at the hospital one hour before your appointment to allow for parking and registration in our department.


  • When you arrive at the hospital outpatient registration and ask the receptionist to direct you to the Digestive Health Center.
  • Enter our waiting room and check-in at the reception desk.
  • After check-in, you will be called to register.
  • After registration, you will be called to the procedure area.
  • Please keep in mind that appointments are approximate times. If a delay occurs, we will do our best to update you.


  • A doctor will explain the benefits and risks of the procedure and ask you to sign a consent form giving the doctor permission to do the procedure.
  • A nurse will place an IV (needle) in your arm to give you any medicines or intravenous fluids you may need during the test. You will be given sedation through the IV to help you relax.
  • Your blood pressure, pulse and oxygen level will be checked throughout the procedure.
  • You will be given a numbing medication to gargle to reduce your tendency to gag. A bite block will be put in your mouth to prevent biting on the scope.
  • You will be on your back with your head elevated.
  • Your stomach area will be washed with disinfecting solution and towels placed over it.
  • A small tube will be placed through your mouth, down the food pipe, and into your stomach. This will not interfere with your breathing.
  • After your skin is numbed, a small cut will be made and the PEG tube will be inserted. This will not interfere with your breathing.


  • A bandage will be placed over the tube site.
  • Your blood pressure, pulse and oxygen level will be checked until you are fully awake.
  • You may feel some soreness at the tube site.
  • If you have chills, fever or severe stomach pain after the procedure, tell your nurse or doctor immediately.
  • You will be given discharge instructions and your IV will be removed.
  • The nurses will teach you about your tube before you leave.
  • You may not drive for the rest of the day. Stay home and rest. After you leave the endoscopic center
  • You may rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash.
  • The dressing can be taken off 6 hours after the procedure.
  • The site must be cleaned daily with soap and water.
  • Before leaving, you must make a follow-up appointment to return to the Digestive and Live Center, P.A after 7-10 days. This is so we can check the site and position of the tube. Pain, chills, fever and redness or pus around the tube should be reported to your nurse or doctor immediately. Please call .You may also go to your local emergency room.