A diverticulum is a sac-like protrusion or pockets in the colon wall, and when you have a diverticulum, you are known to have diverticulosis. Whenever this pocket gets inflamed due to infection, it is called diverticulitis.

With diverticulosis, you may or may not experience any symptoms. If you are having diverticular bleeding, diverticulitis, or colitis you are known to have diverticular disease.

Diverticulitis is the third most common gastrointestinal illness that requires hospitalization and the leading cause of colon surgery. Risk factors associated with diverticulitis include high dietary intake of red meat, low dietary fiber intake, lack of vigorous physical activity, obesity, and smoking.


  • Lower abdominal pain (mostly left-sided)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Low-grade fever
  • Change in bowel habits
  • Urinary symptoms like urgency, frequency, and burning urination due to bladder irritation from the inflamed sigmoid colon.
  • Complications of diverticulitis include abscess, colonic or small bowel obstruction due to narrowing of the lumen due to inflammation, fistula formation, and perforation of the bowel


You might be prescribed medications depending upon the severity of the disease. If you are stable you can be treated with oral antibiotics and pain medications. Unstable patients need to be hospitalized for the administration of IV antibiotics and fluids and bowel rest is recommended until feeling better.

Dietary Modifications and supplement:

To prevent recurrence high fiber diet is recommended They do not need to avoid seeds, corn, and nuts. The use of Anti-inflammatory agents like mesalamine needs further studies.

Recurrent Diverticulitis:

Surgery is offered for patients with recurrent attacks to prevent the development of complications.


After complete resolution of symptoms associated with acute diverticulitis, colonoscopy is recommended in 6-8 weeks, except for patients who had a colonoscopy within the previous year. Colonoscopy assesses the extent of the diverticular disease and excludes a concomitant colon cancer that can mimic the presentation and /or radiographic features of diverticulitis.